Source code for rivulet.rivulet

The :code:`rivulet` client


import enum
import json
import time
import uuid

from typing import List, Dict, Union

import redis
import redis.exceptions
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from redis.client import Pipeline
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from rivulet.exceptions import ConnectionError, BackendError, TimeoutError

[docs]class IndexPolicy(enum.Enum): """Enum of rivulet index policies.""" EARLIEST = 0 CURRENT = 1 LATEST = 2
[docs]class Client: """A redis-based message broker.""" def __init__(self, redis_url: str, client_id: str = None, channel_ids: List[str] = None, bufsize: int = 4096, **redis_args) -> None: try: self.redis = redis.from_url( redis_url, encoding='utf-8', decode_responses=True, **redis_args) except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ConnectionError from e except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise BackendError from e self.bufsize = bufsize self.client_id = client_id if client_id else uuid.uuid4().hex if channel_ids: self.subscribe(channel_ids) @property def subscriptions(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the list of channels this client is subscribed to. :return: A list of channel names. :rtype: List[str] :raises: BackendError, if anythong goes wrong with Redis. .. note:: The implementation always actively queries the current list of channel subscription from the Redis backend, the client does not hold state and does not cache. """ try: subs = self.redis.zrange(f'indexes:client#{self.client_id}', 0, -1) return subs except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise BackendError from e
[docs] def ping(self) -> bool: """ Ping the backend. :returns: True if successful. """ try: return except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise ConnectionError from e
[docs] def subscribe(self, channel_ids: List[str], index_policy: IndexPolicy = IndexPolicy.CURRENT, timeout_ms: int = 1000) -> None: """ Subscribe to a list of channels. :param channel_ids: A list of channels to subscribe to. :param index_policy: The index policy for channel subscription, one of :code:`EARLIEST`, :code:`CURRENT`, :code:`LATEST`. :param timeout_ms: Time in milliseconds to wait for successful subscription. If subscription fails with a `TimeoutError`, the client is free to retry (use a backoff policy to avoid lock contention). :raises: :code:`TimeoutError` if subscription fails withing the specified :code:`timeout_ms` interval. :code:`BackendError` for any other redis failures. Index policies define how the client determines which message marks the begin of a subscription: :code:`IndexPolicy.EARLIEST`: The subscriptions starts with the earliest message that is still available in the channel. :code:`IndexPolicy.CURRENT`: The subscription starts with the current index of the client. The current index is stored in the redis backend. This is a helpful option to restart a subscription after the client was restarted or similar. If there is no stored index for a particular client & channel combination, `CURRENT` falls back to `LATEST`. :code:`IndexPolicy.LATEST`: The subscription starts with the latest (i.e. most recent) message in the channel. """ pipeline = self.redis.pipeline(transaction=True) for channel_id in channel_ids: try: with self.redis.lock( f'lock:ids:channel#{channel_id}', timeout=timeout_ms / 1000.0): # pull the current indexes for the channel zset = self.redis.zrange( f'clients:channel#{channel_id}', 0, -1, withscores=True) if zset: client_ids, indexes = zip(*zset) else: client_ids, indexes = [], [0] if index_policy == IndexPolicy.EARLIEST: index = min(indexes) elif index_policy == IndexPolicy.CURRENT: if self.client_id in client_ids: continue else: # CURRENT fallback is LATEST index = max(indexes) elif index_policy == IndexPolicy.LATEST: index = max(indexes) pipeline.zadd(f'clients:channel#{channel_id}', {self.client_id: index}) pipeline.zadd(f'indexes:client#{self.client_id}', {channel_id: index}) pipeline.execute() except redis.exceptions.LockError as e: raise TimeoutError from e except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise BackendError from e
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, channel_ids: List[str]) -> None: """ Unsubscribes the client from a set of channels. After unsubscribing the client, the function removes all messages in the channel that have been read by all remaining subscribers. If there are no subscribers left the call will also delete all remaining messages and control data structures from the redis server. :param channel_ids: A list of channels the unsubscribe from. Invalid or non-existent channels will *not* raise an error. """ try: pipeline = self.redis.pipeline(transaction=True) for channel_id in channel_ids: pipeline.zrem(f'clients:channel#{channel_id}', self.client_id) pipeline.zrem(f'indexes:client#{self.client_id}', channel_id) # count the number of remaining clients in the channel pipeline.zcard(f'clients:channel#{channel_id}') responses = pipeline.execute() if responses[-1]: # drop the oldest messages min_score = self.redis.zrange( f'clients:channel#{channel_id}', 0, 0, withscores=True)[0][1] self.redis.zremrangebyscore( f'messages:channel#{channel_id}', 0, min_score) else: # there are no subscribers to the channel anymore, # drop all messages pipeline.delete(f'messages:channel#{channel_id}') pipeline.delete(f'ids:channel#{channel_id}') pipeline.execute() except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise BackendError from e
[docs] def write(self, channel_id: str, data: str, timeout_ms: int = 10000) -> None: """ Write a message to a topic. :param channel_id: The name of the channel to write to. :param data: The message data. :param timeout_ms: (optional) User-specified write timeout (default=10s) :raises: :code:`TimeoutError` if the message cannot be send within the specified :code:`timeout_ms` interval. :code:`BackendError` for any other redis failures. The function obtains a unique (within the topic) message id from the redis server wraps the data into a message envelope and adds the message to the topic. A message is a simple python dictionary: .. code-block:: python message = { 'id': message_id, 'ts': timestamp_in_ms_since_epoch, 'src': client_id, 'data': data } """ try: with self.redis.lock( f'lock:ids:channel#{channel_id}', timeout=timeout_ms / 1000.0): message_id = self.redis.incr(f'ids:channel#{channel_id}') ts_ms = int(time.time() * 10**6) # microseconds since epoch message = json.dumps({ 'id': message_id, 'ts': ts_ms, 'src': self.client_id, 'data': data }) self.redis.zadd(f'messages:channel#{channel_id}', {message: message_id}) except redis.exceptions.LockError as e: raise TimeoutError from e except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise BackendError from e
[docs] def read(self, message_limit: int = 512 ) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]]: """ Read available messages from all channel subscriptions. :param message_limit: Maximum number of messages to read from a topic in a single call. The maximum overall number of retrieved messages is (:code:`message_limit` x number of subscribed topics) :return: A dictionary with subscribed topics as keys and a list of messages for every topic as values. :raises: :code:`BackendError` if there are any redis backend errors. The messages returned for every topic are simple python dictionaries. The data sent with :code:`write()` is available in the :code:`data` field. .. code-block:: python message = { 'id': message_id, 'ts': timestamp_in_ms_since_epoch, 'src': client_id, 'data': data } """ try: current_indexes = self.redis.zrange( f'indexes:client#{self.client_id}', 0, -1, withscores=True) except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise BackendError from e # the code below requires rework for balanced consumer locking pipeline = self.redis.pipeline(transaction=True) pipeline2 = self.redis.pipeline(transaction=True) for channel_id, current_index in current_indexes: pipeline.zrangebyscore(f'messages:channel#{channel_id}', current_index + 1, current_index + message_limit) pipeline2.zrange( f'clients:channel#{channel_id}', 0, -1, withscores=True) try: raw_messages = pipeline.execute() channel_indexes = pipeline2.execute() except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise BackendError from e inbox = zip(current_indexes, channel_indexes, raw_messages) message_lists = {} for ((channel_id, current_index), channel_indexes, raw_messages) in inbox: if not raw_messages: continue messages = [ json.loads(raw_message) for raw_message in raw_messages ] newest_index = messages[-1]['id'] pipeline.zadd(f'indexes:client#{self.client_id}', {channel_id: newest_index}) pipeline.zadd(f'clients:channel#{channel_id}', {self.client_id: newest_index}) # check this _, indexes = zip(*channel_indexes) min_index = min(indexes) if min_index - self.bufsize > current_index: pipeline.zremrangebyscore(f'messages:channel#{channel_id}', 0, min_index) message_lists.update({channel_id: messages}) try: pipeline.execute() except redis.exceptions.RedisError as e: raise BackendError from e return message_lists
[docs]def connect(redis_url: str, client_id=None, channel_ids=None, **redis_args) -> Client: """ Convenience function to create a rivulet client. :redis_url: A conncetion URL for the redis backend, of the form `https://[:password]@server:port/db`. :client_id: A unique identifier for the client (default=uuid). :channel_ids: A list of channel ids to connect to (optional). :redis_args: Additional arguments to pass on to the redis `from_url()` constructor. :return: A `rivulet` client object. :raises: `ConnectionError` if a connection to the redis server cannot be established. `BackendError` if subscriptions cannot be carried out successfully. """ return Client( redis_url, client_id=client_id, channel_ids=channel_ids, **redis_args)